Friday, May 8, 2009

116) Living with Aids -1

I was working for JWT long time ago and was once involved in a pitch for the USAIDS account as an account planner. After exhausting all the write-ups of HIV/AIDS and many forays on the net, I was ready to meet doctors and patients for a first hand experience.

I took the cab to RG Gaitonde Institute and asked to speak to the doctors there. While waiting at the reception, I met this woman, in her early 30s and slowly her story unfolded.

“I found out about my HIV status in October 2000.

When I got the results I could not believe it. Why me, young and beautiful as I was?
I thought I could not get infected and what was more, I thought I was not of the class to be infected.

I lived in denial. I even tried to commit suicide in July 2001. I was in a coma for three days.

My life was in turmoil, until September 2003, when I saw an advert in a local newspaper for a secretary in a local support group. They wanted someone, preferably, with HIV or Aids.

I went for the interview and got the job.

Now I am living positively with the virus in my body. By that I mean I have accepted my HIV status.

I have changed my behaviour. I used to work in a call centre and did have multiple relationships without insisting on condoms but I don't do that now. Whenever I feel sick I always consult with my doctor.

I always communicate with my virus and it knows that I am in control. It knows that whenever I die, it also dies, so it better behave. I have named my virus Bunty, after my late dog. He was a favourite and a joy of my childhood.

Life is hard and I have to be on the antiviral drugs for the last 6 years and it is tough swallowing over a hundred tablets a month but then I have no choice.

You know something? This fear of death has made me indulge in your hobbies more and I am releasing a collection of poems next month,” said Jasmine even as I ushered in to meet the doctor.

What was supposed to be a cold trip to collect data turned out to be such a heartwarming and humbling exercise?

As I left the premises, Jasmine flashed a 1000 watt smile that could have done a Madhuri proud

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