Wednesday, May 6, 2009

49) A new shop on 7th Avenue

I stay by the beach and if one needs evidence that our country is becoming prosperous, then this place is ample evidence. Every month there is either a new restaurant or a garment shop and on the weekends the young ones flock the beach in numbers and vehicles parked choc-a-bloc so much so that traffic jams on weekends are a regular feature.

I was standing in the bus stop when another chic shop decked with flowers and people in animated motion caught my attention. The priest was conducting the prayers and one could see a good swell of friends and relations as yet another garment shop was being inaugurated in the neighbourhood.

The shop was tastefully done as I gave it a per functionary walk to acquaint myself as to what’s happening in my yard; lest come across daft before others in local gossip. As it is people only talk of fashion and clothes these days!!!!

I liked a couple of T-shirts and after a good bargain, got them packed them off. The lady at the counter talked while the bill was being made in an effort to market the shop better.

She said,” Sir, I would appreciate your feedback on the shop. Please return these clothes if you are not satisfied”.

This was not the usual shopkeeper speak and I relaxed and turn on my friendly air.

I asked, “Is this your first shop?” as apart from me there was no one in the vicinity.

The lady appeared to be in her mid 40s and she said,” Yes. Before this I ran a tutorial concern for kids”.

“You see, I was a normal housewife and my world turned upside down the day my husband died in an accident. The kids were small and I needed to do something to keep the kitchen fires going.

I had little education to fall back on and what could I do? In the house, we had a nice large hall and with that I started a baby crèche service. I ran that for 4 years and earned the reputation of being one of the most hygienic centres for toddlers.

Then I ventured into the world of tuitions. Dealing with school kids, I realized there was a huge market for tuitions and so engaged some teachers to aid students from class VIII to XII. I ran the place for 5 years and sourcing quality teachers was always an issue when my brother – who is garment exporter in Tirupur - suggested that I get into garment retail. I had the capital and so here I am”.

Her stories had so much of courage and pluck that my respect for her shot up to stratospheric heights. I almost had goose pimples.

I said,” I am an art director in an advertising firm. Allow me to give you a present. I shall design your logo and newspaper ads for gratis. It’s a privilege and pleasure knowing you.”

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